Other Rituals

I have a dear friend that recently lost her dog, so I dug this Ritual out for her. I got this Ritual online about 6-7 years ago when my pet turtle named Gator passed on, and have had the misfortune of using it a couple of times since. I can't remember where I originally found the Ritual, but I adapted it for my needs. Goddess bless all the wonderful pets that bring so much love into our lives and are so short lived. We are truly blessed to share our lives with them.

Funeral Rite For Pet

We come to bid farewell to __________
By Nature's sacred law, each life must end,
so others may be born upon the earth.
Each soul is made unique and lives awhile,
before returning to the womb from which
all life is born. Although we all must die,
we're always sad to wish a friend good-bye.

We call upon the Great Horned God of Nature, wild and fierce,
And we call upon the Great Mother of all, gentle and loving.
Hear our call , this we pray;
allow this soul to speed upon its way.
Cradle him gently in your loving arms
And keep him safe for all harm

By every holy name, my little friend,
I bid you to accept your short life's end,
and leave behind your spirit's earthly shell,
of no more use, although it served you well.
May Pan protect you on your way,
Our love and blessing to you on this day.

[Take up some or all of grave gifts.]

We bless these gifts, which gave you joy in life,
to speed your way until your journey's end,
so you may venture forth with little strife.
You will not be forgotten, little friend.
Let each remember, or just say good-bye,

(put grave gifts in grave)

We won't forget the joy you've brought our lives;
though gone from earth, in us your soul survives.

[Take up sprig of evergreen.]
Through seasons warm and cold, the evergreen
grows on; through Nature's life and death it's seen.

[Lay evergreen on grave.]

Perhaps you too will come to us again,
to share our lives in love, and be our friend.
For now your soul is free.
Farewell and blessed be.

[Throw kiss. Flowers etc. may be placed on grave at this time.]
The Rite is done.

Buy card


I wrote this Rite two years ago for making mead outside over the Ritual fire.  Some of it was taken from a couple of online Rituals I found (Sorry it was so long ago I can’t remember the sites). I took a little of their influence and added my own stuff to work for what we needed.
The chant can get a bit tongue tying after awhile but it works good at raising energy.
I have it split so two people can lead it but one could easily do it.

Full Moon Mead Making Blot 

Leader1: Greetings Friends, Tonight’s Blot is about to begin, please gather around the circle.

Leader2: Odin, Vili, Ve
(everybody repeats)
          Odin, Vili, Ve
(everybody repeats)
          Odin, Vili, Ve
(everybody repeats)

Leader1: (Draw a Thor’s hammer in the air in front of you- Trace an upside-down "T" shape in the air in front of you)

Hammer of Thor, Hallow and Hold This Holy Stead".

Leader2: Gods of my life, my greetings to you
Gods of my people, my praise to you
Gods of my heart, my thanks to you
Gods of my soul, my hail to you.

Frey, give us frith and a good year
Thor, protect us, always be near
Njord of the sea-shore, grant us wealth
Eir of the healing hands, give us health

Odin, teach us ecstasy´s ways
Freya, give passion to our days
Frigga of home, and Sif of grain
Gods of my life, my greetings again

Gods of our ancestors, to you we call
Gods of our families, bless us all
Hear us singing as we stand true
Aesir and Vanir, our hail to you.

Leader1: I hail the bold God, lord of Asgard´s hosts,
I praise the lord of Valhalla.
I celebrate His strength, cunning and wisdom,
This God of warriors and kings.
I praise Him, the Allfather,
Husband of Frigga, Delight of Her arms.
I hail the Drighten and Ring-Giver,
Whose gifts inspire His chosen.
I laud this Wooer of women,
Whisperer of charms and seduction.
I sing of the Master of Poets,
Ensnarer of many an unwary heart.
I ask Great odin to join us.
Hail, Odin! Hail the Wisest of wise! 

(get honey ready to go on fire….when it is ready , say….)

Leader2: Great One Eyed Odin, All Father, Rune Maker, Mead Master
Tonight we take the sacred honey and like times of ole, we make it into the holy mead in honour of ye.
As the full moon’s rays cleanse and bless our honey we ask that you great Father give it and us your blessings. 

(put honey on fire. Stan will be incharge of stirring - he will start and end- Everytime the chant is done three times the stirring stick will be passed to the next person. The person should stir basically once for every one of their turns (so once in the three chants you have the spoon and than pass it to the next person. When the honey is almost done Stan will keep the spoon for as long as needed till the honey is done)

Odin, one eye
Hey-oh, Odin
Odin, all Father

(Continue doing chant till honey is done. When honey is done, take it off heat and add to pail of water, cover pail)

(Go up to Altar and pick up filled horn)

Leader2: (raise filled horn in the air) ODIN!

(Everybody repeats)

(The horn now gets passed around the circle three times - the first time around all toasts are two Odin the second/third time around whatever feels appropriate.

Leader1: All Father Odin, Aesir, Vanir, Disir, our thanks and love. 
The Gods are my guides; I shall not want.
Their counsel and friendship quicken my soul.
Right roads I walk for the sake of their names.
And though I should walk in the valley of darkness,
I shall not fear, for they are with me,
their help is my staff, their presence comforts me.
They prepare my table in the face of my foes
and fill my cup to the brim;
Their blessings and company I will enjoy
all days of my life and beyond.
The Aesir and Vanir have my love forever as long as I live.

Leader2: (pick up Blot Bowl (filled with mead) and walk short distance away from Altar - hold bowl above head and say…. When done libate the ground)

"From the Gods to the Earth, to Us,
From Us, to the Earth, to the Gods.
A gift for a gift. Hail!" (libates)
The Rite has ended".

Leader1: May the strength of Thor And the Wisdom of Odin
Be with you wherever you walk.
May Frey’s abundance And Freya’s grace
Bring you good luck at all times
May the wealth of Njord And Skadi’s strong will
Be yours as long as you live!


I wrote this Tribute two year ago for the Muses. We will be doing it Saturday afternoon at our Warwick camping weekend this year. This will be our third Muse Tribute. It is always a wonderful way to spend a few hours and a nice way to say thank you to the Muses for all the inspiration and creativity they bless us with.

-a poem, story, dance, music, song, skit to tribute at least one of the Muses (you are welcome to tribute as many Muses as you’d like)
- a yummy to share with everybody during the tributes
-lawn chair
-any special drinks you may want

LEADER1: Good Fey! Know that you are welcome!

LEADER2: We come together this afternoon to tribute and thank the 9 Muses of Inspiration and Creativity. Please all be at ease, relax and enjoy.

LEADER1: We bid thee Great Muses welcome and invite you to join us, witnessing this Tribute we hold in your honor.
We humbly ask you to accept our thanks for your inspiration and creativity and give us your blessings in our all creative undertakings.

LEADER2: O’ Muses of poetry and of song
Of verse  and dance and tales forlorn
Of music, comedy and erotic prose
Of starry heavens and epics of ole

LEADER1: Tonight we come to tribute you.
To thank you for all ye do.
You inspire us to soar and fly
In joy and sorrow you make us cry

LEADER2: You help us paint and write and sing
You lift us up on inspirations wing
You are in our music and in our words
You give us voice to be heard

LEADER1: Great Calliope, beautiful of speech
Join us now we beseech
Of Heroes and battles you tell the tale
Poetry that sets the soul a sail

LEADER2: Great Clio, Glorious one
Keeper of tales since time begun
Join us now, we call to you
Inspire us in all that we do

LEADER1: Beautiful Erato, the Amorous one
tantalizing words of love and fun
Bless us with your presence here
This night, you, we revere

LEADER2: Great Euterpe, the Well-pleasing
Soothing music, souls easing
Come to us and share this eve
Around us muse’s magic weave

LEADER1: The Chanting one, Great Melpomene
Move our hearts with your tragic keen
She who sings for all that dies
Join us now, hear our cries

LEADER2: Polyhymnia, of Many Hymns
Sacred song heard through the dim
Raise your voice with us this night
Guide us with thy muses light

LEADER1: Beautiful Terpsichore, delights in dance
Your movements hold us in a trance
Come to us, let us twirl and spin
And bring out the dance within

LEADER2: Great Thalia, the Blossoming one
Blessing us with comedy, laughs and fun
Please great Lady, join us here
Bringing laughter for all to hear.

LEADER1: Great Urania, Celestial One
Painter of the Heavens when day is done
Futures and past come this night
Bless us with your hidden sight

LEADER2: O’ Great Muses, we call to you
To bless us, in all we do
To inspire and guide us and help us grow
To help our creativity flourish and flow

LEADER1: Today we come to tribute you.
To thank you for all ye do.
You inspire us to soar and fly
In joy and sorrow you make us cry
Our Thanks, Blessed Be!

LEADER2: Tonight we tribute the Muses. Let us share in song and poem, dance and music, story and skits. Let us enjoy the afternoons festivities with drink and food in tribute to the Muses. Let them flow like the waters of creativity and inspiration!

LEADER1: Everybody get a drink please

LEADER2: A toast to the Muses! Our thanks for all their creativity and for inspiration! May their blessing be upon us always! To the Muses!

LEADER1: We will go around the circle deosil, when it is your turn, please come forward and stand before the Altar and share your tribute. Please start your tribute by proclaiming which Muse it is for.

~ when tributes are done~

LEADER2: Please all stand, for it is time to give our thanks and say our good-byes

LEADER1: Hail ye Good Fey! Please feel free to stay and join us in this days merrymakings!

LEADER2: Great  Muses!, thank thee for thy  presence this day. Forever you are in our hearts, your light and inspiration guides us down our creative path. You inspire us always and help us reach for the stars! Our love and thanks!

LEADER1: Merry Meet, And Merry Part, And Merry Meet again

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